Oral thrush is usually harmless. It's common in babies and also older people with dentures. It can be treated with antifungal mouth gel.
Check if it's oral thrush
When you have oral thrush, your mouth is red inside with white patches. When you wipe off the white patches, they leave red spots that can bleed.
Other symptoms in adults are:
- cracks at the corners of the mouth
- not tasting things properly
- an unpleasant taste in the mouth
- pain inside the mouth (for example, a sore tongue or sore gums)
- difficulty eating and drinking
Oral thrush in adults is not contagious.
A baby with oral thrush will have a white coating on their tongue. It may look like cottage cheese and it cannot be rubbed off easily. Sometimes there are white spots in their mouth.
Babies with oral thrush may not want to feed.
Babies can pass oral thrush on through breastfeeding. This can cause nipple thrush in mothers.
Treatment for oral thrush
A GP can prescribe antifungal mouth gel to treat oral thrush.
See a GP if you think you or your child might have oral thrush.
How you can prevent oral thrush
Oral thrush is an infection caused by a fungus called Candida. Some things can make the fungus grow more than usual.
You might get thrush if you're:
- taking antibiotics over a long time
- using asthma inhalers
- having cancer treatment like chemotherapy
There are some things you can do to help prevent oral thrush.
- take care of your teeth: brush twice a day, clean your dentures, and go for regular check-ups even if you have dentures
- brush your gums and tongue with a soft toothbrush if you do not have any teeth
- rinse your mouth after eating or taking medicine
- go to regular check-ups if you have a long-term condition like diabetes
- sterilise dummies regularly
- sterilise bottles after each use
- do not wear dentures at night
- do not keep wearing dentures if they do not fit properly – see your dentist
- do not smoke