Get Involved

Tell us what you think about NHS 111 Wales and Welsh Ambulance services

Your experience of using our services is really important to us.

An experience is something that happened to you, and how you felt when it happened. We sometimes call your experience your story.

NHS 111 Wales and the Welsh Ambulance Service are always trying to improve their services.

One of the most important parts of this is listening to people who have used our services and learning from their experience and their story.

Your story can make a difference to what we do.

Learning from you can help us to make other people’s experiences better.

If you would like to give us feedback, you can contact us in different ways. See our Contact Us section for all the different ways of getting in touch.

If you want to share your experiences, there are different ways we can record it…

Make a video

We can come to meet you, and make a video of you talking about your experience.

Write about your story

We can write about what happened when you used our services.

Fill in a survey

You can answer questions in one of our online surveys

Join our People and Community Network

We will share information about how you can join our network soon.