Does NHS Wales store any of my information on computers?
NHS Wales stores your information on computer systems, for example; your contact details, medical history, laboratory and x-ray results.
New technology now allows the information held about you to be shared between NHS Wales computers. This means important details about your health will be available to the health professionals looking after you, wherever you receive for care. For example, doctors and nurses working in the out of hours service can now see1 parts of the medical record held
about you by your GP. The benefits to you, and your doctor, are:
- immediate access to your information in an emergency
- healthcare professionals can see your current and previous health contacts, medications and hospital discharge information;
- time is saved in bringing together information to make vital decisions about your care.
Welsh GP Record
The Welsh GP Record (previously known as the Individual Health Record (IHR) gives emergency and out of hours health professionals access to information from the medical record held by the patient’s GP.
Find out more about the Welsh GP Record