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This section is designed to help you find your nearest GP, if you want to register with a GP please contact the sugery for more information about the registration process. 

If you need a GP while away from home, you can visit another practice and ask to be treated as a temporary patient. If you are away for longer than 24 hours and think you need to see a GP, contact a local surgery via telephone first.  If you can’t find a GP to register with on a temporary basis, please contact your regional NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership and ask for 'Contractor Services', who should be able to direct you to an alternative practice.

Alternatively, here in Wales, you can telephone NHS 111 Wales where a Clinical Advisor may be able to help you with your problem. If you are going to be away from home for 3 months or more, you should register with a GP at your new address as soon as possible.

For full details on appointments, prescriptions, and what the surgery can offer, please contact the surgery, or visit the website for full details. 

You Searched: GPs which returned 50 matches