All Wales Information

Click on the pharmacy name to view full details, specifically to see live availability of key pharmacy services. If there is no availability displayed, please phone your chosen pharmacy before arriving to check if they are offering the service you need when you visit.  Pharmacy information is not maintained by NHS 111 Wales, but maintained by NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. 

  • D Powys Davies Pharmacy

    26 High Street

    Blaenau Ffestiniog

    LL41 3AA

    Tel: 01766 830298

    Fax: 01766 884003

    Disabled Access: No

    Service Availability
    : Service commissioned to be provided; however it is strongly advised that you check availability prior to attending.
    Available: Pharmacy has capacity to see further patients for this service today - an appointment may need to be made / the patient may be asked to return later in the day
    Limited Availability: Pharmacy has limited capacity to see further patients for this service today - an appointment is likely to be needed / the patient is likely to be asked to return later in the day - it is recommended that the pharmacy is contacted prior to travelling large distances
    Not Available Today: The service is commissioned but not available today. It may be available on the next day the pharmacy opens and patients should check with the pharmacy.

  • Map

    Out of Hours for Today:

    17:30 to 18:00

  • Normal Opening Hours

  • ServiceAvailableWhat is this service?Information
    Additional hours services (includes extended hours and Bank Holiday rota)Phone for AvailabilityThe provision of pharmaceutical services during "out of hours" periods, usually evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
    Blood Borne Virus Screening ServicePhone for AvailabilityA service where clients who are at risk of transmission of blood borne viruses can be offered screening and then onward referral for support and treatment, in the event of a positive result. This service needs to be provided by an accredited pharmacist and it is recommended that you check with the pharmacy prior to attending that the pharmacist is available.
    Common Ailments ServicePhone for AvailabilityA service intended to enable pharmacists to provide advice and support to eligible patients complaining of a common ailment, and where appropriate, to supply drugs to them for the treatment of the common ailment. The service can be used by any patient who lives in Wales or is registered to a Welsh GP practice including temporarily. The patient must be able to attend the pharmacy in person. The patient must ask for the Common Ailments Service. The patient must register with the pharmacy they chose. They can register at any pharmacy and can choose to move to another pharmacy at any time if they need to use the service again. For more details visit this link: Common Ailment Service
    Covid 19 Vaccination ServicePhone for AvailabilityA service intended to enable the administration of Covid-19 vaccines to eligible patients, in line with a nationally agreed patient group direction (PGD). This service needs to be provided by an accredited pharmacist and it is recommended that you check with the pharmacy prior to attending that the pharmacist is available.
    Discharge Medicine Review (DMR)Phone for AvailabilityA review intended to support patients recently discharged between care settings, by minimising unintended medication changes and supporting adherence This service needs to be provided by an accredited pharmacist and it is recommended that you check with the pharmacy prior to attending that the pharmacist is available.
    Emergency Medicines Supply (EMS)Phone for AvailabilityA service intended to enable the supply of previously prescribed medication to patients, via the NHS, who may have run out of medication, or may have lost or damaged their medication, or have left home without them and they are unable to obtain a further prescribed supply before the next dose is due. This service allows you to obtain an emergency prescription free of charge if you have run out of your regular medication and your GP is closed. You must attend in person and provide proof of the medication requested e.g., an empty packet with your name on it or a repeat prescription slip. This is not for all medications and the pharmacist will go through a consultation prior to issuing the medication.
    Independent Prescribing for Common Ailments and ContraceptionPhone for AvailabilityThis service is subject to availability of an accredited pharmacist and it is strongly recommended that this be checked with the pharmacy prior to attending.The minor ailment conditions and contraception covered will depend on the individual pharmacist independent prescriber (PIPs) scope of practice but may include conditions relating to the ear, UTI, skin, coughs, and others. The patient will need to discuss or contact the pharmacy to see whether they can treat the required condition.
    Inhaler Review ServicePhone for AvailabilityA service intend to improve patient use of inhaled medication, and identify those likely to benefit from therapeutic review.
    Medicines Management in Domiciliary CarePhone for AvailabilityA service intended to support the safe administration of medication to patients by domiciliary care workers, including the provision of Medication Administration Record charts.
    Return of Patients Sharps BoxesPhone for AvailabilityA service intended to enable the safe and convenient disposal of patients' medical sharps waste. Pharmacies will receive, and where required replace, approved sharps disposal bins.
    Smoking CessationPhone for AvailabilityA service intended to provide a programme of motivational support and nicotine replacement therapy to people wishing to quit smoking.This service needs to be provided by an accredited pharmacist and it is recommended that you check with the pharmacy prior to attending that the pharmacist is available.
    Sore throat test and treatPhone for AvailabilityThe Sore Throat Test and Treat service offers patients with sore throat symptoms to access clinical screening, clinical assessment and appropriate treatment from a community pharmacy. The service is provided by accredited pharmacists, and patients are advised to confirm availability before travelling to a specific pharmacy.To access this service, patients will either need to be registered with a Welsh GP, be a temporary resident of Wales or a holidaymaker who is planning to stay in Wales for at least 24 hours after receiving treatment. This service can only be provided by an accredited pharmacist and if there is no accredited pharmacist on duty the service cannot be provided. It is strongly recommended that patients contact the pharmacy prior to attending to ensure that there is an accredited pharmacist available.
    Supervised administration of prescribed medicinePhone for AvailabilityA service intended to reduce the inappropriate use or diversion of opioid substitution treatment through the direct supervision of administration. This service needs to be provided by an accredited pharmacist and it is recommended that you check with the pharmacy prior to attending that the pharmacist is available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Service does: Care Home Support Service Level 1
    Service does: Contraception Services
    Service does: Needle & Syringe Programme – Naloxone (3)
    Service does: Needle & Syringe Programme – Supply only (1b-pick & mix)
    Service does: Out Of Hours Service
    Service does: Palliative care OOH services
    Service does: Supply of COVID Lateral Flow Test Kits
    Service does: Urinary Tract Infection Service
    Service does: Welsh

Receive this service's address and phone number via email or mobile (free of charge)

Send: From NHS 111 Wales: D Powys Davies Pharmacy - 26 High Street, , Blaenau Ffestiniog, LL41 3AA, Tel: 01766830298, Fax: 01766 884003, Disabled Access: No