Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Community Resource Team - Holyhead
Tel: 03000 840009
Disabled Access: Yes
The Community Resource Team (CRT) brings together professionals from health, social and third sector to provide integrated care for patients within their own home. The aim is to provide the best care possible closer to home. Sharing of information may be required between community resource team members.
The CRT hub can support you when you are experiencing deterioration in your health or there has been an unexpected change in your ability to manage, which without help, may end up in you being admitted to hospital. What is often needed is quick access to a team that can support you, assess your ongoing needs and make the necessary arrangements for the care you need. When contacting the hub an experienced nurse will assess your needs on the telephone and will ensure that the right care and support is coordinated and provided for you at home, if suitable. The service is a pilot accessible to any patient in the Holyhead area over the age of 50 who is unable to leave their home, has complex needs and is unwell.
How to access the service:
1. Referral by GP / Health Professional
You can be referred to the service by your GP, hospital, district nurse or social worker.
2. Self Referral via Telephone / Email
Patients, their families or their friends can contact the service via the Holyhead Community Resource Team Hub. The Holyhead Community Resource Team Hub can be contacted by telephone on 03000 840009 or by email
Last Updated: 17 July 2023 09:15 by NHS 111 Wales