Newport Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)
Fax: 01633 786178
Disabled Access: Yes
Community Mental Health Teams provide assessment and treatment of adults between the ages of 18 to 65 who are presenting mental health problems. Services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team and have access to support worker services and links with the voluntary sector services. Services are provided in several community settings as well as in their own homes.
How to access the service: You will need to be referred into the mental health team unless already known to the teams. If not known to the service, please contact your GP or 111 in the out of hours period. If known to the service, there should be information in your care plan on how to access the service.
Out Of Hours Access Arrangements: Adferiad is now the Out of Hours Admission Unit - or contact CASU - Crisis Assessment Unit between 9pm and 7am, 7 days a week
Out of Hours Telephone Number for Patients: If not a 999 emergency, contact 111 or, if known to the service, please see your care plan for details
What to do in an emergency : 999 or Samaritans on 123
Last Updated: 29 June 2023 11:25 by NHS 111 Wales