• District Nursing Team - Gwynedd (Arfon)

    Tel: Refer to individual teams and contact numbers / contact GP

    Disabled Access: No


    The District Nursing service is provided to people who can not attend a health care setting to receive treatment or care.  Where appropriate the District Nurse will visit and provide care and treatment to patients in their own homes or normal residence.  This service is typically for housebound or temporarily housebound patients and treatment will be provided following a comprehensive assessment.  

    Areas covered: The Arfon Cluster of Gwynedd, including Bangor, Caernarfon, Bethesda, Penygroes, Llanberis.

    Out Of Hours Access Arrangements: Via GP Out of Hours Service

    Out of Hours Telephone Number for Patients: 111

    Last Updated: 30 April 2024 15:49 by NHS 111 Wales

  • Oriau agor arferol

    Bank Holiday8.00am8.00pm
  • Gwasanaethau a gynigir

    Service does: Administration of Prescribed Medication
    Service does: Bank Holiday
    Via out of hours care
    Service does: Catheter Care/Catheterisation
    Service does: Chronic Conditions Management
    Service does: District Nursing
    Service does: Nursing Assessments
    Service does: Palliative / End of Life Care
    Service does: Self-Referral Accepted
    Service does: Syringe Driver Management
    Service does: Wound Care

Derbyn cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y gwasanaeth hwn trwy e-bost neu ffôn symudol (am ddim)

Send: Gan GIG 111 Cymru: District Nursing Team - Gwynedd (Arfon) - Tel: Refertoindividualteamsandcontactnumbers/contactGP