How was your experience with us?

If you have used any NHS 111 Wales or Welsh Ambulance Service Trust services, you can tell us what your experience was like.

Learning about people’s experiences helps us improve. This can lead to people having a better experience when they access our services.

You can complement our services, raise a concern, or share your story about when you used our services.

Contact the Patient Experience and Community Involvement Team at

There are also support agencies that can help you to complement our service or raise a concern.

We welcome feedback from patients, public and from support services equally.

If it is difficult for you to arrange support for compliments and concerns, and if there is no alternative, you can write to us in your own language.

If we receive a message in a language that is not English or Welsh, then we will need to use an approved external translation company to translate your message and any responses we might need to give.

It would be helpful to include the English word for the language you are writing in, so that we can identify it and arrange for a translator sooner.

If you are interested in helping to improve services, look at the People and Community Network, The People and Community Network has some activities that people can take part in, to learn about services and help improve them.

If you are interested on working for Welsh Ambulance Service Trust or NHS 111 Wales, you can find advice about our volunteer and paid roles on