Pharmacies - Information and Links
This section provides information on pharmacy services in Wales, including guidance on how to access pharmacy services.
Many pharmacies now provide a range of services which can be accessed throughout the week, such as emergency contraception or needle exchange facilities. Other services that Pharmacies provide are (all of the below may not be available in every pharmacy):
- Common Ailments Service
- prescribed medication advice
- healthy living advice
- health checks
- chronic condition advice
- sexual health advice
- flu vaccination
- incontinence advice
- over the counter medication
- medicine usage reviews
- medicine disposal
- supervised drug administration
- hearing tests
- eye tests
In addition to those provided by high street pharmacies, pharmacy services are also accessible from a range of superstores, frequently operating outside the usual high street opening hours.
For further information on local pharmacy opening times please go to the Pharmacy Search facility.
Pharmacies Links
Your local pharmacy can help you Choose Well - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Video
The Royal Pharmacuetical Society
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain is the professional body for pharmacists. Its aim is to develop the pharmacy profession and ensure that the services pharmacists offer are the best for patients and the public.
Health Solutions Wales (HSW)
HSW undertakes a range of specialist services for the NHS in Wales, including the processesing of details of all community-dispensed prescriptons in Wales. HSW feeds the resulting data back to the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership in order that pharmacists can be reimbursed for the drugs which they dispense.
NHS Prescription Services
NHS Prescription Services manage a range of services within the NHS in England, similar to those undertaken by the HSW and the Business Services Centres in Wales. It also produces the Drug Tariff used by both the Welsh Government and the Department of Health.
See also under individual Health Boards for information on how pharmacy services are organised on a local basis.