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Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December) and New Years Day (1st January 2025) are bank holidays. This means there will be some disruption to health services. #Helpushelpyou by ordering and collecting repeat prescriptions in advance. If you have run out of prescribed medication, use our Accessing Medicines Guide. You can find more information on our Out of Hours page.
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Tel: 116 123
Disabled Access: No
The Samaritans can help in the following ways: - Over the phone via the 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days of the year helpline on 116 123 - Via the Welsh Language Helpline on 0808 164 0123 available everyday between 7.00am and 11.00pm - Write a letter to Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS - By email to - Via the Samaritans Self-Help - Find your nearest Samaritans branch
Last Updated: 03 March 2025 12:13 by NHS 111 Wales