Cardiff and Vale Dental Helpline
Tel: 0300 10 20 247
Disabled Access: Yes
If you are experiencing dental pain you should contact your dentist to get an appointment. All dentists should have capacity for emergencies if you are on their list.
A dental emergency means that you need urgent assistance for a serious problem in your mouth.
This could be caused by things such as infection and dental injury.
Common emergency dental problems include:
- severe toothache where painkillers have not helped
- bleeding after a tooth extraction
- visible swelling of the neck or face
- knocked-out teeth
If you are registered with an NHS dentist, please contact your dental practice directly for an emergency appointment.
If you are not registered with an NHS dentist, please call CAV 24/7 for the Emergency Dental Helpline on 0300 10 20 247.
If you are experiencing dental pain or trauma out of hours, for registered and non-registered patients, please call CAV 24/7 for the Emergency Dental Helpline on 0300 10 20 247.
A CAV 24/7 clinician will assess you, and if you require an appointment, you will be booked into the emergency dental clinic.
You will receive advice on pain relief and will be, if appropriate, booked into the most appropriate emergency location for your problem, which may be a Primary Care Dentist, Community Dentist or the University Dental Hospital.
For information on finding an NHS dentist for routine dental treatment please see: Cardiff and Vale Dental Services
Areas covered: Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Local Authorities Covering post codes: CF3 - CF24, CF61 - CF71. Areas excluded are Castleton and Marshfield.
Is this service available in Welsh?: This is subject to availability. Please contact the service directly to discuss provision / access to the service in the medium of Welsh.
Last Updated: 05 March 2025 13:36 by NHS 111 Wales