• ASC (Advocacy Support Cymru)

    Tel: 02920 540444

    Disabled Access: Yes

    Email: info@ascymru.org.uk

    Website: http://www.ascymru.org.uk


    Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC) is a registered charity that specialises in the provision of professional, confidential and independent advocacy for those eligible in secondary care and community mental health settings.

    ASC can provide support in relation to treatment, medication, services, rights and options and will enable you to have your say in your treatment and care.  

    ASC will not give advice, offer counselling, provide mediation or befriend.  They will provide information to people to help them understand what options might be available, but do not decide or advise which one to take.

    For more information, please click the following links:

    - Who Are We?

    - Frequently Asked Questions

    - Independant Mental Health Advocate (IMHA)

    - Independant Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)

    - Community Advocacy

    - Under 18s Advocacy

    - Online Contact Form

    For further information, contact by telephone, email or visit the website.

    Service Availability
    : Service commissioned to be provided; however it is strongly advised that you check availability prior to attending.
    Available: Pharmacy has capacity to see further patients for this service today - an appointment may need to be made / the patient may be asked to return later in the day
    Limited Availability: Pharmacy has limited capacity to see further patients for this service today - an appointment is likely to be needed / the patient is likely to be asked to return later in the day - it is recommended that the pharmacy is contacted prior to travelling large distances
    Not Available Today: The service is commissioned but not available today. It may be available on the next day the pharmacy opens and patients should check with the pharmacy.

    Is this service available in Welsh?: Yes, this service is available in Welsh

    Last Updated: 28 February 2024 15:30 by NHS 111 Wales

  • Map

    Out of Hours for Today:

  • Normal Opening Hours

Receive this service's address and phone number via email or mobile (free of charge)

Send: From NHS 111 Wales: ASC (Advocacy Support Cymru) - Tel: 02920540444