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Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December) and New Years Day (1st January 2025) are bank holidays. This means there will be some disruption to health services. #Helpushelpyou by ordering and collecting repeat prescriptions in advance. If you have run out of prescribed medication, use our Accessing Medicines Guide. You can find more information on our Out of Hours page.
Please note that NHS 111 Wales are not Project - Online Directory of Mental Health Services Ceredigion...
Depending on the part of your body being scanned, you'll be moved into the scanner...
Some people get flu-like symptoms such as: a headache a high temperature feeling or being...
Some dengue symptoms are similar to flu . a high temperature a severe headache pain behind the eyes...
after drinking a lot of alcohol and may include: confusion slurring words or being...
Symptoms of reflux in babies include: bringing up milk or being sick during or shortly...