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Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December) and New Years Day (1st January 2025) are bank holidays. This means there will be some disruption to health services. #Helpushelpyou by ordering and collecting repeat prescriptions in advance. If you have run out of prescribed medication, use our Accessing Medicines Guide. You can find more information on our Out of Hours page.
test | Covid pass information | National Antiviral Service Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022...
#Helpushelpyou by ordering and collecting repeat prescriptions in advance. If you have run out of prescribed...
Nearest to you | Default Selecting a filter will reload page Filters Adult & Older People Health Services...
g less than 3% Chest Injuries No Chest Pain No Ear Injury Yes Minor only Eye Injury Yes Minor only Facial...
When it's blocking your ears, a pharmacist can help. Symptoms of earwax build-up Symptoms of earwax...
& Stings Yes Burns & Scalds Yes Less than 3% of body area & minor only Chest Injuries Partial No trauma...
Exclusion foreign body genitalia / rectum...
Try to reduce glare, shadows and reflections. Lighting should be good, even and natural (as much as...
Care and Well Being Service Provider Directory Physical Activity & Nutrition Networks Wales - Community...
Falls are very common among older people, especially in people aged 80 and over, who...