Deafblindness is a combination of sight and hearing loss that affects a person's ability to communicate, access information and get around.
It's also sometimes called "dual sensory loss" or "multi-sensory impairment".
A deafblind person won't usually be totally deaf and totally blind, but both senses will be reduced enough to cause significant difficulties in everyday life.
These problems can occur even if hearing loss and vision loss are mild, as the senses work together and one would usually help compensate for loss of the other.
Signs of deafblindness
Deafblindness most commonly affects older adults, although it can affect people of all ages, including babies and young children.
In older people, it may develop gradually and the person themselves may not realise their vision and/or hearing is getting worse at first.
Signs of a problem can include:
- needing to turn up the volume on the television or radio
- difficulty following a conversation
- not hearing noises such as a knock at the door
- asking others to speak loudly, slowly and more clearly
- needing to hold books or newspapers very close, or sitting close to the television
- difficulty moving around unfamiliar places
If someone already has either a hearing or vision problem, it's important to look out for signs that suggest the other sense may be getting worse too.
Seeing your GP
Visit your GP if you think your hearing or eyesight may be getting worse.
If you're worried about a friend or family member, encourage them to speak to their GP.
It's best to seek advice as soon as possible, as treatment for some underlying causes of deafblindness can be more effective if started early. Early diagnosis will also ensure the person is able to access local support services sooner.
What causes deafblindness?
There are many potential causes of deafblindness. Some babies are born deafblind, but in many cases the hearing and/or vision loss occurs later in life.
Causes of deafblindness include:
Living with deafblindness
A range of care and support services is available to help deafblind people.
Each deafblind person will have a different level of hearing and sight loss, which means they'll have their own individual care needs.
The general aims of care for a deafblind person are to:
- preserve and maximise any remaining sight or hearing the person has – this could involve treating underlying conditions like cataracts, wearing glasses or using a hearing aid or implant
- teach alternative methods of communication – such as hands-on signing or braille
- help retain or develop as much independence as possible – for example, by training the person to use a long cane, a guide dog or offering a communicator guide
Your local authority should arrange an assessment to determine exactly what care and support is needed.
Help and support
Sense is a UK-based charity that provides advice and support for deafblind people. The Sense helpline number is 0300 330 9256 (same number for textphone). Alternatively, you can email Sense: info@sense.org.uk
Deafblind UK is another national charity that supports deafblind people and those with progressive sight and hearing loss.
You can contact Deafblind UK's helpline for information and advice on 0800 132320 or text on 07903 572885. You can also email Deafblind UK: info@deafblind.org.uk.
A person who's deafblind won't usually be totally deaf and totally blind, but both senses will be reduced enough to cause difficulties with everyday activities.
The hearing or vision problems may be present from birth, but in many cases one or both problems develop gradually as a person gets older and they may not notice it at first.
If someone you know has a combination of the signs on this page, it's possible they have some degree of deafblindness and should seek medical advice.
Signs of a hearing problem
Hearing loss can occur from birth or may develop gradually or suddenly later on.
Signs that someone may have a problem with their hearing include:
- not hearing you if you speak to them from behind
- needing to turn up the volume on the television or radio
- difficulty following a conversation – particularly if several people are speaking or the person they're speaking to is unfamiliar
- not hearing noises around them, such as a knock at the door or the doorbell ringing
- asking others to speak loudly, slowly and more clearly
- leaning in very close to hear what's being said
If someone already has a hearing problem – for example, they wear a hearing aid or use sign language – keep an eye out for signs of vision problems that could develop.
Signs of a vision problem
Vision loss can also be present from birth or develop later on.
Signs someone may have a problem with their vision include:
- problems seeing in low light or bright light
- difficulty recognising people they know
- finding it hard to read facial expressions
- relying on touch to find and identify items more than usual
- needing to hold books or newspapers close to their face, or sitting near the television
- difficulty moving around unfamiliar places – they may bump into or trip over things regularly
- not looking directly at you or making proper eye contact
If a person already has a problem with their vision – for example, they wear glasses, use a cane to get around, or have a condition such as glaucoma or cataracts – be alert for signs of hearing problems that could develop.
Getting medical advice
Visit your GP if you notice any deterioration in your hearing or eyesight.
If you're worried about a friend or family member's vision and hearing, encourage them to speak to their GP.
It's best to seek advice as soon as possible, as treatment for some underlying causes of deafblindness can be more effective if started early.
Early diagnosis will also ensure the person is able to access local support services sooner, and enable them to plan for the future (such as learning new communication methods).
Who can get it
There are many possible causes of deafblindness. The condition can either be present at birth or develop later in life.
Deafblindness from birth
Deafblindness from birth is known as congenital deafblindness.
It can be caused by:
Deafblindness later in life
In most cases, deafblindness develops later in life. This is known as acquired deafblindness.
A person with acquired deafblindness may be born without a hearing or sight problem and then later loses part or all of both senses.
Alternatively, someone may be born with either a hearing or vision problem, and then later loses part or all of the other sense later on.
Problems that can contribute to acquired deafblindness include:
Deafblindness may be detected soon after a baby is born, or after tests carried out later in life.
Speak to your GP if you have any concerns about your or your child's hearing or vision at any point.
If you're worried about a family member or friend, try to encourage them to speak to their GP.
Newborn screening
If your baby is born deafblind, this will usually be picked up during newborn screening.
These are a series of checks carried out to see if your baby has any serious health problems from birth, including any problems with their eyes or hearing.
If no problems are picked up at this stage, they may be detected during routine checks as your child gets older. Read more about hearing tests for children and eye tests for children.
Hearing and vision tests for adults
In most cases, deafblindness develops as a person gets older. It can happen gradually, so you may not notice that your vision and/or hearing are getting worse at first.
It's therefore important to have routine eye tests to check for any problems. Adults should normally have their eyes tested every 2 years.
You can request a hearing test at your GP surgery at any point if you think you may be losing your hearing. Read more about hearing tests.
A person may be diagnosed with deafblindness if tests show they have both hearing and vision problems.
Their hearing and vision should continue to be regularly assessed even after they've been diagnosed, as the level of care and support they need will depend on how severely each sense is affected.
Specialist assessment
As soon as deafblindness has been identified, a specialist assessment should be arranged by the local authority.
The assessment should only be carried out by a specially trained professional who can identify the deafblind person's abilities and needs. The assessment should include assessing their needs in relation to:
- communication
- one-to-one human contact
- social interaction
- emotional wellbeing
- support with mobility
- assistive technology
- rehabilitation
The assessment will also take into account the person's current needs and those that develop in the future.
A deafblind person should have access to services suitable to their level of hearing and sight and their individual needs. Mainstream services aimed mainly at blind or deaf people may not always be appropriate.
The charity Sense also has more information about assessments for care and support for adults living with a disability
It's not always possible to treat the underlying causes of deafblindness, but a range of care and support services is available to help people with the condition.
Most deafblind people will still have some hearing or vision. The level of care and support they need will depend on the severity of their hearing and vision problems.
Individual care plan
The individual abilities and needs of a deafblind person should be assessed soon after they're diagnosed. This will allow a tailored care plan to be drawn up.
The care plan will aim to:
- preserve and maximise any remaining sensory functions the person has
- teach alternative communication methods such as the Deafblind Manual
- help the person retain as much independence as possible – for example, by recommending they receive training to use a long cane or guide dog or through the provision of a communicator guide
- for young children, ensure their educational needs are met
Some of the main services, techniques and treatments that may be recommended as part of a care plan are outlined below.
Want to know more?
?Communication systems
As deafblindness can make communicating by speech and writing difficult, alternative forms of communication may be necessary.
The main communication systems used by deafblind people include:
- clear speech – speaking clearly is one of the most effective and common ways of communicating with deafblind people who have some remaining vision and hearing
- deafblind manual alphabet – a tactile form of communication where words are spelt onto the deafblind person's hand using set positions and movements
- block alphabet – a simple tactile form of communication where a word is spelt out in capital letters that are drawn onto the deafblind person's palm
- hands-on signing – an adapted version of British Sign Language (BSL) where the deafblind person feels what's being signed by placing their hands on top of the signer's hand
- visual frame signing – an adapted version of BSL where the signs are adapted to be signed in a smaller space to match the position and size of a deafblind person's remaining sight
- braille – a system that uses a series of raised dots to represent letters or groups of letters
- moon – similar to Braille, but uses raised, adapted capital letters that are simpler to feel
Want to know more?
Vision aids
For some deafblind people, it may be possible to improve vision using low vision aids, such as glasses, magnifying lenses and task lights.
Specially designed items, such as telephones and keyboards, may also help someone who is visually impaired.
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has more information about everyday living with vision loss. Read the RNIB's information about technology to help with everyday tasks.
Many libraries stock a selection of large-print books and 'talking books', where the text is read aloud and recorded onto a CD. The RNIB also offer a talking book subscription service, where books can be ordered and delivered directly to your home or downloaded free of charge.
Want to know more?
Hearing aids and implants
Some deafblind people may benefit from wearing a hearing aid. There are various hearing aid styles available to suit different types of hearing loss and personal preference.
Hearing aids use microphones to collect the sound from the environment, amplify it and deliver it into the ear canal of the wearer so that it can be processed by the auditory system. An audiologist (hearing specialist) will be able to recommend the most suitable type of aid after testing your hearing.
For some people, hearing aids that deliver the sound into the ear canal are not appropriate. In these cases, hearing may be improved using a surgically implanted hearing system, such as a cochlear implant or bone anchored hearing implant.
While these still use a microphone to collect the sound initially, they then convert that sound into either an electrical signal or vibration, passing it to the inner or middle ear for processing by the auditory system.
Want to know more?
One-to-one support
Every deafblind person is entitled to help from a specially trained one-to-one support worker if they need it.
Depending on the person's situation, this may be a:
- communicator guide – someone who works with people who have become deafblind later in life, to offer the support the person needs to live independently and act as an interpreter
- intervenor – someone who works with children and adults who were born deafblind, to help them experience and join in the world around them as much as possible
Want to know more?
Treating underlying conditions
Some conditions that affect hearing and vision can be treated using medication or surgery. For example:
Some causes of temporary hearing loss are also treatable, such as earwax build-up or ear infections.
Support groups
If you're deafblind, or a friend or family member of someone who's deafblind, you may find it useful to contact a support group for information and advice.
Two of the main support groups for deafblindness in the UK are Sense and Deafblind UK.
You can contact Sense on 0300 330 9256 (voice and text calls), or by emailing: info@sense.org.uk.
You can contact Deafblind UK's helpline on 0800 132320, text them on 07903572885 or email: info@deafblind.org.uk.
The information on this page has been adapted by NHS Wales from original content supplied by
NHS website nhs.uk
Last Updated:
09/11/2023 14:42:16