• Wales Fertility Institute

    Tel: 01639 862698

    Disabled Access: Yes

    Website: http://www.thefertilityinstitute.co.uk/


    The Wales Fertility Institute is a NHS facility managed by Swansea Bay University Health Board.  Split over two sites it comprises of WFI-Neath Port Talbot, in Neath Port Talbot Hospital, and WFI-Cardiff, in University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff.

    They provide both NHS and fee-paying patients’ safe world-class professional help and support for those facing fertility problems in the heart of South and Mid Wales.

    The team consists of highly qualified professionals includes consultants, embryologists, nurses, laboratory, counselling and administration staff who offer the warmest welcome in a friendly, sensitive and supportive environment. 

    Check online to find the NHS treatment criteria and for further information regarding the treatment process.  Funding for NHS IVF treatment in Wales is provided by WHSSC (Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee). Even if you do not qualify for NHS funded treatment you can still apply for IVF treatment at WFI on a fee-paying basis.

    Is this service available in Welsh?: The service is working towards providing a service bilingually. If you would like to discuss treatment or receive information in Welsh, please speak with a member of the team and they will make every effort to help you.

    Last Updated: 08 August 2023 09:46 by NHS 111 Wales

  • Oriau agor arferol

    Bank HolidayClosedClosed
  • Gwasanaethau a gynigir

    Service does: Fertility Treatment
    Service does not: Bank Holiday
    Service does not: Self-Referral Accepted

Derbyn cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y gwasanaeth hwn trwy e-bost neu ffôn symudol (am ddim)

Send: Gan GIG 111 Cymru: Wales Fertility Institute - Tel: 01639862698, Website: www.thefertilityinstitute.co.uk/