Forbes NFL Team Jersey value list released “United States team” Twelve Lian Zhuang

The Dallas Cowboys have been the most valuable team in the NFL for the 12th consecutive year, according to Forbes magazine’s ranking of the value of their shirts released Thursday.

According to the magazine, the Cowboys are worth $5 billion, or $1.2 billion more than the second highest-valued New England Patriots ($3.8 billion). The New York Giants jerseys ($3.3 billion), the Los Angeles Rams ($3.2 billion) and the Washington Redskins ($3.2 billion) were among the top five.

At present, the average value of a team is $2.57 billion, but Forbes points out that this is the lowest increase in the same period since 2010. The magazine says that’s because NFL teams are becoming more valuable, so fewer and fewer people are able to trigger price competition. When the Carolina Panthers were sold early this year, for example, the market was generally valued at $3 billion. As a result, David Tepper became the new owner of the Panthers for just $2.3 billion, because he was the only one with enough money to meet the league’s financing rules.

However, there seems to be no direct connection between the value of the team and whether or not it wins. In fact, seven of the top 10 teams (Cowboys, Giants, Red Leather, San Francisco 49er jerseys, Chicago Bears jerseys, New York Jets and Houston Texans) did not make it to last year’s playoffs. Last year’s Super Bowl champion, the Philadelphia hawks, ranked tenth only for the $2 billion 750 million team.

It’s worth mentioning that the Dallas Cowboys beat Manchester United, Spain’s Real Madrid and Barcelona in July to win the world’s most valuable team for the third consecutive year. When their boss, Jerry Jones, bought the team for $63 million in 1989, he didn’t expect his team to grow 80 times in 30 years and perennially rank among the top teams in the world.

The rise in the value of the Cowboys is tied to the rise in the value of the entire NFL league. In July, the NFL team held 12 seats in the top 25 of the world’s most valuable teams, with the top 10 holding four seats and taking half of the table. In this list, the NBA team has four seats, the British football team has four seats, and the MLB team has five seats. In the top 50 of the list, the NFL team had 29 seats (except for the Cincinnati Tigers, the Detroit Lions and Buffalo Bills).

The most valuable alliance + the most valuable team is undoubtedly the success of the NFL alliance.