Before you Travel

From organising travel insurance and vaccinations to preventing DVT and jet lag, here's what to think about before you travel.

Travelling abroad is exciting, but with so many things to see and do when you get there, the basics of health and safety are often neglected.

Every year, people living in the UK go on more than 60 million trips abroad. Most have a safe trip, but some people get ill or have an accident and need medical treatment while they're away.

Travel vaccinations

Start preparing for your trip four to six weeks before you go.

Read the latest health advice for the country you're travelling to by using NATHNAC's country information, and check the travel safety updates with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

You may need travel vaccines or, if diseases such as malaria are a risk, you may need to start protecting yourself well in advance.

Prepare a kit of travel health essentials, including sunscreen, medications, painkillers, antiseptic, insect repellent and anti-diarrhoea pills. These will be useful wherever you're going.

Sexual health experts advise taking condoms with you to avoid the risk of buying fake, and potentially unsafe, brands when you get there.

Travel kit checklist

  • antiseptic
  • sunscreen
  • after sun lotion
  • insect repellent
  • condoms
  • antihistamines
  • anti-diarrhoea pills
  • rehydration sachets
  • first aid kit

Sun protection

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK, and it's a growing problem. Each year, around 2,600 people die from skin cancer.

Skin cancers are caused by damage from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Protecting the skin from the sun can help prevent these cancers.

Whether you're on holiday or at home, you can protect yourself by following Cancer Research UK's SunSmart messages:

  • Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm.
  • Make sure you never burn.
  • Aim to cover up with a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses.
  • Remember to take care with children.
  • Then use factor 15 or more sunscreen.

Report any changes to moles or any unusual skin growths to your GP.

Always take special care of children's skin. The best way to do this is to cover them up and keep them in the shade. For more information read the Sun Safety Q&A's.

Travel insurance

Whether you're off on a six-month trek to the Himalayas or a family holiday in Spain, it's vital to have the right travel insurance.

Make sure your policy covers your destination and the duration of your stay, as well as any specific activities you might do. For example, don't assume your winter sports policy will cover off-piste skiing.

When travelling in Europe, make sure you have a valid Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).  This will entitle you to free or reduced-cost medical care. However, the EHIC won't cover you for everything that travel insurance can, such as emergency travel back to the UK. GHIC and EHIC will also cover you in some other countries – please visit ‘Where you can use your card’ for details.

DVT and jet lag

If you think you may be at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), seek advice from your GP.

On long-haul flights, get up from your seat to walk around and stretch your legs whenever you can. Drink regularly but avoid alcohol. Wear loose, comfortable clothes. There is evidence to suggest that compression stockings are effective in reducing the risk of developing DVT.

To get over jet lag quickly, adjust to your destination as soon as possible.

Last Updated: 08/07/2024 10:40:14