Travel Insurance

By taking out travel insurance and getting a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or using an existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you can avoid huge medical bills if you have an emergency during your trip.

Healthcare is free at the point of delivery in the UK, but don't assume it's the same abroad. You will often have to pay part, if not all, of your medical bills. If it's serious, the costs could easily be very high.

Having travel insurance and GHIC/EHIC can avoid large medical bills, delays in treatment and undue stress in the event of a medical emergency.

The GHIC/EHIC, which is free of charge entitles UK residents to free or reduced-cost emergency healthcare when visiting the EU and some other countries.

All UK travellers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance in addition to the GHIC and EHIC as these may not cover all costs resulting from medically necessary treatment e.g. repatriation.  You could be charged for some of all of the healthcare you receive.

We also recommend that you check FCDO travel advice on Gov.UK for the country that you are visiting.

Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)

GHIC gives UK residents travelling in the EU and some other countries access to emergency and medically necessary healthcare, including medically necessary treatment for a pre-existing or chronic condition. The GHIC and EHIC cannot be used for any planned medical treatment.

This GHIC replaces EHIC, which remains valid in the EU until its expiry date.

You can apply for a new GHIC free of charge: Healthcare Cover Abroad - EHIC and GHIC.

If you need medical treatment and do not have your EHIC or GHIC, you will need to apply for a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) to evidence your entitlement.

Click here for information on Foreign Travel Insurance on the UK Government pages.

UK EHIC under the Withdrawal Agreement

Individuals covered by the EU Withdrawal Agreement can apply for a UK EHIC to use in EU Countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland and some other countries.

Click here for information on eligibility: Healthcare Cover Abroad - EHIC and GHIC.

Check your policy

The GHIC/EHIC is not an alternative to travel insurance. It is valid in the EU and some other countries. It will not cover any private medical healthcare or the cost of things such as mountain rescue in ski resorts, repatriation to the UK or lost or stolen property.

It's important to have both an GHIC/EHIC and a valid private travel insurance policy. Some insurers now insist you hold an GHIC/EHIC and many will waive the excess if you have one.

Each country’s healthcare system varies, so your GHIC/EHIC may not cover all costs or you may be expected to pay for your treatment and then claim a refund using your GHIC/EHIC or insurance policy.

Travel insurance will cover other medical costs that the GHIC/EHIC will not, such as paying for your return journey if illness delays you, or covering your personal contributions towards treatment.

You will also normally receive cover for non-medical emergencies, such as replacing possessions or a lost passport.

Your insurance policy will vary according to your destination and insurer, but cover generally starts at just a few pounds and could save you tens of thousands of pounds.

You may not be fully covered if you are doing any hazardous sports, such as climbing or skiing. Check whether your policy covers the activities you'll be doing.

Last Updated: 08/07/2024 10:40:46