The hall of fame awards ceremony will not specifically mention thier Owens.

Before, the famous Terrell Owens decided not to attend the hall of fame ceremony held in Canton, Ohio, and at the alma mater’s University of Tennessee, Char Thanou Fagafaga, for his own ceremony.

The hall of fame is naturally unable to respond to this more or less official contempt. They will deliberately ignore Owens and focus on the other seven candidates. The candidates include (Bobby Beathard), (Robert Brazile), (Brian Dawkins), (Jerry Kramer), (Ray Leiws), (Randy Moss) and (Randy Moss).

Joe Horrigan, executive director of the hall of fame, said: “we will pay more attention to the people present.”

Owens’s gold jacket will be delivered on Saturday morning, but there will be no mention of Owens’s content on Friday’s dinner or Saturday’s presentation, he said.

He used the school scene to make an analogy. Students who plan not to attend the graduation ceremony will not cheap jerseys be mentioned by the school, and his diploma will not be at the ceremony. “There is no need to mention him alone. He is not here again.” So he said.

The hall of fame will be held in August 4th.

Johnson said recently: “no doubt, I am sure he is the best foreign takeover. It’s not easy to have a good quarterback with him. ”

Johnson retired after the 2016 season and took 10 quarterback jerseys jerseys jerseys balls in Dezhou, and the best one should be Matt Schaub.