Checks for Abnormalities
You will be offered some screening tests during pregnancy which can help to detect some of the conditions that you or your baby may have. These are HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, haemoglobin variants and thalassaemia, Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome, or physical abnormalities.
The tests can help you make choices about care or treatment during your pregnancy or after your baby is born. All screening tests offered by the NHS are free.
What are screening tests?
Screening tests are used to find people at higher chance of a health problem. This means they can get earlier, potentially more effective, treatment or make informed decisions about their health.
Screening tests are not perfect. Some people will be told that they or their baby may have a higher chance of having a health problem when in fact they do not have a problem. Also, a few people will be told that they or their baby have a low chance of having a health problem when in fact they do have a problem.
You may want to think carefully about whether or not you want to have these screening tests.
Further information
You can find out more information from:
Antenatal Screening Wales/ Sgrinio Cyn Geni Cymru | Antenatal Screening Tests
Last Updated: 21/08/2024 14:50:18
The information on this page has been adapted by NHS Wales from original content supplied by

NHS website