Finding out
See a GP or midwife as soon as you find out you're pregnant (before 8 weeks into the pregnancy).
Your pregnancy will be treated confidentially, even if you are under 16. Your GP or midwife will tell you about your choices for antenatal (pregnancy) care in your local area. Being pregnant may affect the treatment of any current illness or condition you may have or go on to develop.
Read more about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and taking a pregnancy test.
Knowing that you're pregnant
When you find out you're pregnant, you may feel happy or excited, or shocked, confused and upset. Everybody is different.
Some of this may be caused by changes in your hormone levels, which can make you feel more emotional. Even if you feel anxious and uncertain now, your feelings may change. Talk to your midwife or GP - they will help you to adjust, or give you advice if you don't want to continue with the pregnancy.
Men may also have mixed feelings when they find out their partner is pregnant. They may find it hard to talk about these feelings because they don't want to upset her. Both partners should encourage each other to talk about their feelings and any worries or concerns they may have.
However you're feeling, contact an NHS professional (such as a midwife, GP or practice nurse) so that you can start getting antenatal (pregnancy) care. This is the care that you'll receive leading up to the birth of your baby.
Find out more about your schedule of antenatal appointments.
Telling people that you're pregnant
You may want to tell your family and friends immediately, or wait a while until you have sorted out how you feel. Many women wait until they have had their first ultrasound scan, when they're around 12 weeks pregnant, before they tell people.
Members of your family or extended family may have mixed feelings or react in unexpected ways to your news. You may wish to discuss this with your midwife.
Flu and pregnancy
The seasonal flu vaccine is offered to all pregnany women at any statge of pregnancy. Pregnant women who catch the flu virus are at an increased risk of complications and flu-related hospital admissions.
Find out about the flu jab and pregnancy.
Talk to your GP or midwife if you're unsure about which vaccinations you should have.
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Last Updated: 03/07/2023 08:27:22
The information on this page has been adapted by NHS Wales from original content supplied by

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